Tee time, Tea time

I was determined to get mom around the front nine at Belvoir Golf Club, something she enjoyed last year. So I got a tee time at 12:20 and off we went.

Mom gave me her clubs earlier this year and I think I’m doing better than last year, which isn’t saying much.

The only way I’ll get better is a lot of practice, which I haven’t had time to do yet this year.

The course is so lovely that I don’t really care how I play. I think I will start to care deeply once I start keeping score--something I haven’t had the will to do yet (too embarrassing).

Afterward, I collected my friend Eddis at her house and brought her back to mine for tea and cake. Eddis, a former social worker, has been involved with Save the Children since she retired. Mom was very active with STC when we lived in Derry, so they compared notes on Princess Anne’s devotion to the cause and events marking STC’s 100th anniversary next year.
This evening mom watched another Extra Slice (a light-hearted review of each week’s Great British Bake Off episode), then we both packed for tomorrow’s departure for Donegal.