Shoes, golf, wine--a good day

Today is the first day I’ve taken no photos--a sure sign that we are slowing down. I made several phone calls to sort out the Derry-Donegal leg of the trip, did some chores & blogging, then mom & I went to the local mall, where we checked out two department stores and Clark’s shoe store. We each bought a pair of shoes--having the same genetic weakness for a good shoe at a good price.
I went to Belvoir Golf Club twice to try to pay for my summer membership. No one in the office both times. My friend Louise texted inviting me to hit some balls, so we did that after I Skyped for a half hour with a US project manager on my quarterly writing job. We went to the driving range around 6:30 pm and mom got to see me in action with the clubs she gave me earlier this year. Most of my balls land between 100 and 150 yards. My goal is 200 and, of course, for a higher proportion to go straight instead of veering right.
I made one of my trademark low fuss dinners--steamed long stem broccoli, sautéed onion and mushrooms, and a super grain mix (pre-mixed). I made rhubarb crumble the other day with rhubarb we bought at the cottage garden we toured, so that was dessert. Then we walked up to have wine & chat with Louise and Alec. Alec spent summers working in Atlantic City, so he and mom have that in common. It was a lovely evening sitting in their back garden recounting our very busy week and hearing about their son’s experiences teaching in Japan and their experiences visiting him.