BtB part 3

Last photos from Sunday’s hike.

The cliffs create thermals. All day long we watched glider planes being towed up into the air by airplanes and then let go. The gliders would do loops and were lovely to watch with their long white wings catching the sunlight.

This is our trip leader, David Doyle. And one more panoramic shot:

I hadn’t finished all the chores tonight, however I went to hear a panel discussion on the future of Ireland--is Brexit creating momentum toward a united Ireland? It was interesting. I snuck across the entry from the Dark Horse, hosting the panel, to the Duke of York, where my swing dance people have a Tuesday night practice. I snuck in a few dances and went back across the entry to hear the panel discuss identity and referendum logistics. I have to say I love all the elements of my life--an interest in politics, dance, and hosting visiting dignitaries, like my mum.