Positive Pollution

David is in the states with his kids for father’s day and his birthday, which was yesterday. He will be a grandfather for a second time as of this August. His grandson favours him and his son, Ian--he’s very cute and is doing some baby modelling apparently.
I’m writing well in the future. I recall my accomplishment in recent days was writing sort of a scoping paper for an event in Derry drawing attention to environmental disasters in Northern Ireland--illegal sand dredging in a protected lake--the largest freshwater lake in the UK--illegal dumping along a protected salmon river, development that is destroying rare old-growth forests, gold mining in the Sperrin mountains. Northern Ireland resembles a third world country more than you might imagine. It violates all kinds of EU regs.
One of my ideas was to find an artist to create an image or animation of the famous Peace Bridge in Derry--and drape it in garbage representing the million tonnes of trash dumped illegally nearby. Another event organiser said she wanted to keep the rally positive. I’m not sure how you do that when the travesties are so huge. My Bridge Over Troubled Water idea was replaced by Rally for the Environment, or something equally bland. Whatever.
I also want to tie directly to the civil rights march in Derry almost exactly 60 years ago. I developed a platform related to rights for the environment--again, not much purchase. So I just have to figure out how I can contribute. Maybe just by showing up.