
Tomorrow I have an interview with Christian Aid for a job as a communications officer. I had a writing test due today--write a press release based on three documents provided. Here is my effort:
"The list of plagues afflicting Mali reads like the Book of Exodus: drought, failed harvests, swarms of locusts, cholera outbreaks, and warring Islamist groups. As in the Bible, an exodus has resulted, with hundreds of thousands of Malians becoming refugees. Those who remain face starvation and disease.

"Christian Aid stands ready to help Mali’s most vulnerable people, particularly children. Today we are launching our Meals for Mali appeal (#Meals4Mali). Our goal is to help 10% of the 4.6 million Malians who have limited access to food and sanitation. So far we have reached only 3%. We are asking the public to donate at the website below—giving us the means to close this gap and immediately save lives:”

It goes on, but you get the idea. The URL was made up, in case you are wanting to donate...