Tear down, build up

Company arrives in four days. I find there’s a period of tearing things apart, and a period of putting things together. I’m still tearing things apart. Here’s an e-mail I sent my mom this morning: "It’s 9:30 am and I've already done laundry, sanded and sealed a wall in the foyer, spackled rotted door trim, cut and primed two skirting boards, and assembled a large plastic storage box that I've put outside. Since we tore down the shed, there's a lot of stuff in the conservatory, which I'm putting in the storage box.”
Here’s what the hallway looked like today:

If you notice, the floor of the foyer, in the distance, is bare. A tile floor is being installed tomorrow. Hence my focus on skirting boards and walls in a previously very damp area. Here’s a closeup of one of the problems I solved today

David is in France for 10 days doing a different kind of painting. As in artistic. So I’m going whole hog on the to-do list. He got the old tile out and helped me take apart the old shed and pack it into the car. So that was a big help.