Pigs, Trees, Trash, Sand

Thursday and Friday were probably spent doing chores around the house--I have company arriving next week. Saturday I took the train to Derry for a conference called The Gathering, which brings together environmental campaigners in Northern Ireland. The council planning function is dysfunctional here--due to politics, corruption, disregard of the environment, and so on. We have one of Europe’s largest illegal dumps, we have illegal sand dredging in Lough Neagh that has gone on for decades, we have very high levels of ammonia in the waterways due to intensive livestock farming, and one of the few remaining groves of ancient trees are in the crosshairs of developers. Some of the residents had just attended a demonstration against a massive pig farm in Limavady.
I was really there to listen and learn and be inspired by people who are trying to make a difference. I joined a committee that is planning a march on 30 September from the illegal dump on the River Faughan to the Guildhall. It was a long day but good to connect with activists who are pushing back.