Work Day

David and I have not both been home for a single weekend this year. This weekend we are both in town so I designated this a working weekend. We took apart a shed that has been rotting in the back garden since we got here. We removed a junky piece of furniture from the conservatory and took it to the recycling centre. David began dismantling the cemented rock walls around the frog pond. And I relocated the contents of the Dutch cupboard in preparation for moving it to the conservatory. I also filled planters with flowers and did some weeding.

No photos from the day so here’s a photo I took before I caught the bus from Derry back to Belfast after the jazz fest: A school group in front of the pedestrian bridge.

And here’s another of boats on Lough Foyle, situated on a section of river that used to be a coal depot and inaccessible to the public.
