I Can Walk Under Ladders

I attend swing dance class on Thursday nights. Afterward, people go to a nearby pub to dance some more. I thought I’d go with them tonight as a precursor to my birthday tomorrow. However, the band doesn’t start until 10:30 pm and the class ended at 9:30 pm. I ran this morning and I was so tired at the end of class that all I could think of was my bed.

Top 10 effects of getting old:

  1. Can’t stay up late.
  2. Three nails permanently split--i.e. a crack in the nail won’t grow out.
  3. Eyes require eye drops every morning.
  4. Weight gain!
  5. More gray hair.

Here is how lucky I am. I gave up after five. I can’t think of any more. I turn 56 tomorrow and I count myself very very fortunate that I can do as much as I do--not as much as I’d like, but still plenty. I feel very lucky to be able to run at my age. A road accident 10 years ago could easily have ended my running career. The idea that I have to call it a night after 1.5 hours of dancing is hardly deprivation.

We all have our burdens to bear--I could list two heavy weights in my life (list in my head, not here)--but all in all, I feel very very blessed. Whenever I’m down, I remind myself of this overarching fact.