
Norwegian Air is the new discount carrier with cheap flights from Belfast to Stewart, NY. As I board, I see this sticker on the stairway:

It was a good reminder of the hypocrisy of being a climate activist and flying to the US twice in two months.

I paid a whopping 20 pounds for a meal on each flight. David said I should have just bought something and taken it on. I have a sort of insecurity about food. If I don’t keep the calories coming, I fall apart--nausea, dizziness. So I felt better having the meal booked. Running around to catch planes means you don’t always get the food you need.
Here was my meal:

I don’t think it conveys how small the portion was. It was not what I’d consider a meal portion. The salad was maybe 2X3 inches. And a tablespoon of raisins. I had two candy bars with me and ate both of them. By the time I got to Stewart I was faint with hunger. I wolfed down a veggie sub at Quiznos then caught the 1.5 hour shuttle bus.
Two guys from Derry got on the bus and sat with two strangers, one in front, one to my left. They chatted with their seat mates for most of the trip. I loved hearing their accents and listening to the friendly chat. Derry people are the best.