Sweating the details

I am trying to nail down the logistics for the trip to the US, which begins tomorrow. This is work that will continue while I’m in the US.
I’m flying in and out of Stewart, NY. Job one is getting to my friend’s apartment in Brooklyn (shuttle bus from airport to Port Authority, walk two blocks to Times Square subway, then the 2 or 3 train to Brooklyn).
Friday afternoon I’ll go back to the Port Authority and take a Greyhound bus to Atlantic City, where I’ll spend the night with cousins (my cousin is reserving the hotel, one less thing for me). I’ll go to my uncle’s funeral in Margate then get a lift with another cousin to Philly and spend a night with him and his wife. Then I’ll take Septa to Bryn Mawr, where a friend will pick me up and take me to Devon for church. Then another friend will take me home to her condo in Paoli, where I’ll stay Sunday and Monday nights. I have set up lunches with Vanguard people on Monday and Tuesday and dinner with the Renzis Monday night.
The really tough bit is the return journey Tuesday: getting Amtrak from Paoli to Penn Station, walking from Penn to Grand Central Station (20 minutes or so), then taking the Metro North train, Hudson line, to Beacon NY. Where I hope to book my first ever Uber to get me back to Stewart.
I will be sweating these details the entire trip. I know this because I’m writing this on April 8. I’m a nervous traveler and am trying to get with the program re. mobile phones and e-tickets, however I will have a very poor service provider in the US (T Mobile) and struggle to get a signal. I resent being pushed into this cellphone world when signals and connectivity remain problematic. The stress of the trip back to Stewart is keeping me up at night. I keep thinking all this travel will help me feel more competent and confident in getting from A to B. Not working yet...