Air Canada Swag

My trip home on March 17-18 meant leaving Parkersburg around 1:45 pm on St. Paddy’s day, driving 2 hours to Columbus Ohio, waiting 2 hours in the airport, flying 2 hours to Toronto, waiting 3 hours in the airport, flying 7 hours to Dublin, taking a bus for 2 hours to Belfast, then a cab for 20 minutes home.

The good people of Air Canada provided a very helpful accessory to help me make it through the travails of traveling. Check me out:

I put this photo on Facebook. I don’t put a lot of photos on Facebook and would probably be wise to get off the platform altogether. More and more info coming out on how the bad guys use Facebook to manipulate people and swing elections. Russian trolls, data breaches--it’s all very creepy.
March 19