Travel Tales

I stayed on in the U.S. two extra weeks hoping to be able to attend my uncle’s funeral. However he made it until March 16, by which time I had already booked a ticket home, departing the next day. As it turns out, his funeral won’t be until April 7, so it’s as well I'm heading back.

When rebooking the ticket from Columbus, Ohio to Toronto to Dublin, Air Canada offered two options on my preferred date, Sunday March 18. My first option was a plane leaving in the morning, with a 15-hour layover in Toronto—no charge for changing the ticket. No thanks. Second option, a later plane with a 10-hour layover—$2,900. No thanks. I asked about flying the day before (March 17). My original flight schedule was available (three-hour layover), for a $240 change fee. Book it Dano.

March 15-17