
I applied for a job as a climate project assistant a week before I left Belfast. That translated into me spending hours in Florida on a 5-minute power point on:
"Drawing on your experience, outline the approach you would take to increase cross sector awareness and engagement in climate change adaptation.”
The presentation was due Feb. 28 but I sent it the day before we left Florida--20 slides. Today (March 1) I had a 45-minute interview with the environmental officials I would be working with. I went to Wood County Airport (15 minutes from mom’s house) to have access to good wifi for the Skype interview.
I think I did OK on the interview but I don’t think I’ll get the job b/c I misinterpreted the assignment. From the job description, I thought the task for this position was to help develop an adaptation plan--not update an existing plan. So I went in the wrong direction.
In such situations I tell myself it wasn’t wasted time because what I’ve learned will come in handy elsewhere. I love humans’ proclivity for making lemonade out of lemons--an important survival tool.
28 Feb & 1 March