Old school

Here’s how I roll. I don’t trust Google maps on the phone--and I don’t have a US sim card anyway. I don’t pay for GPS on the rental car. So I look at Google maps on mom’s computer and write directions:
from her house to the airport, specifically the hard-to-find green parking lot.
from the Ft. Myers airport to her friend Janis’s
from Janis’s to my cousin Lin’s
from Janis’s to my friends Anne and Rick.
from Columbus airport back to mom’s (different route than inbound)

I feel silly having all these pieces of paper with my scratchy handwriting, but, hey, it works.

Today’s hiccup: I have a UK driver’s license. When I left West Virginia this morning for Florida, I decided not to take my passport--I’m not leaving the country, why risk losing it? The TSA at Columbus airport were not impressed with my UK driver’s license. Same with the car rental company. Both wanted my passport. For a few minutes, I thought mom would be going to Florida by herself. I produced enough US and UK credit cards and bank cards to satisfy them, but it added time. And stress.

We got to Janis’s this evening after very good California Pizza Kitchen salads.