The good guys

I was on a conference call this week run by the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility. Many years ago I went to an event they put on in Philadelphia. I so wanted to work there, but it meant working in NYC, which didn’t appeal to me.

Anyway, the call made me feel a little better because there are so many people working so hard to right so many of the things that are wrong with the world. The call was an overview of the 266 shareholder resolutions filed by ICCR members. To give you a taste, here were the speakers:

Pat Tomaino, Zevin Asset Management: Gender pay gap and family leave (particularly focused on retail industry, e.g. TJ Maxx)

Pat Zerega, Mercy Investment Services: Ethical labor recruitment (particular focus on abuse of migrant workers, including in fisheries)

Lila Holzman, As You Sow: Climate change and methane emissions (focusing on natural gas companies)

Susan Baker, Trillium Asset Management: Pollinator health & the global food supply (focus on banning neonicotinoids)

Meredith Miller, UAW Retiree Medical Benefits Trust: Drug pricing & the opioid crisis

ICCR members know their stuff and they engage directly with the companies they are targeting. And they often get results. It is just encouraging to see so many smart, committed, relentless people on the job.