Teething problems

Early last year I went to the dentist and complained of tenderness in two of my teeth. I worried about needing to have a filling replaced or, dog forbid, a crown. She advised me to switch toothpaste to Sensodyne to see if that helped. I did and it did.

The last time I went to her, again a complaint of soreness in two teeth. She told me to switch from one kind of Sensodyne to another. I did and, again, problem solved.

I never went to a dentist in the states without walking away with a bill of either $100+ (replacing metal filling with composite, whatever that is) or $1,000+ (my one and only crown). I truly believe that dentists and doctors here are about providing the least care necessary, unlike in the US, where my body is a profit centre for a medical practice. The NHS has its problems but it is not at the service of drug sales reps and medical equipment reps and doctors who need a return on their glistening new MRI centres.
