Sir Walter Scott

Here he is within his 200 foot tall memorial.

From the brochure: "Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) was widely regarded as the greatest writer of his day. His popularity stemmed from his books and poetry, his enthusiasm for public causes, and his work as an advocate, judge, and legal administrator. He was the first English-speaking writer to have and international reputation in his lifetime. He had a lifelong interest in Scottish history and language, and he re-awakened public interest in both through novels such as Rob Roy, Ivanhoe, and The Lady of the Lake.

"Scott’s fame was guaranteed when, in 1818, he re-discovered Scotland’s lost crown jewels within Edinburgh Castle.” Here are Rhoda and I in a chapel that’s maybe a third the way up the monument:

She took this on her phone. Importing phone photos is tricky in terms of rotation. I’m very bundled up because, although my cold is better, it isn’t gone at this point (photo taken on the Friday before last weekend).