Unquiet Graves

Tonight I went to see Unquiet Graves, about how collusion between the British military, the Northern Irish police, and loyalist paramilitaries led to the murder of more than 120 civilians in the Triangle of Death--an area near the border where the so-called Glennane Gange operated with impunity. It's a heart-breaking film. And it is amazing that 30 and 40 years on, the government refuses to investigate. Witnesses were interviewed for the first time by the film maker--back in the 1970s and 1980s, there was not much appetite for investigation--same as now.

This film, No Stone Unturned, and The Ballymurphy Precedent are all cries for justice on behalf of families who have not given up. It is amazing to live in a country where documentarians are the only ones willing to look at, rather than away from, the worst atrocities of the Troubles.

A few more Brick Lane photos:

March 2