Turning over a new leaf

Since I’ve lived here, I’d say my diet has deteriorated because I’m too lazy to cook and it’s expensive to eat out. So I take shortcuts and, as a vegetarian, that will catch up to you. I also haven’t had an exercise regimen for a long time (due to colds and problems with my feet).

I did two very good things for myself today. I took a cooking class that highlighted produce that is plentiful this time of year. The recipes were simple enough that I can see myself actually making them. And I took a yoga class. I did this weekly in the states but not since I’ve been here. I also just joined the local activity centre, where I plan to swim regularly.

By improving my diet, getting more exercise, and stretching, I hope to banish colds and low-energy doldrums and I hope to see my feet return to full functioning. Now I just have to have the discipline to follow through.