Tuesday trifecta

(Photos from our recent west coast trip are in posts beginning "Cliffs of Moher" and ending "Get the Frack out of Ireland.")

Three big things were set in motion today. They may not all reach their destination, but here's hoping they do.

  1. I accepted the counterbid on a property in Belfast on which I bid yesterday. I retained a surveyor to inspect said property. I hope the vendor completes the sale so we can finally settle in. It is a Victorian semidetached home 3.6 miles from downtown (not one of the rowhouses 1.6 miles from downtown we'd been considering). The one we are bidding on is in a quieter, less dense neighborhood that has a larger garden and a conservatory. David can either take the bus downtown or cycle on a greenway.
  2. I began the registration process for Queen's University for a master's degree in Business and Human Rights. I'm still trying to get a few questions answered about tuition, but I'm hoping I can pursue the degree during the next year.
  3. Given that these are both expensive propositions, I am getting in gear to freelance. I'll start work in September on quarterly reports for T. Rowe Price, working with my old friend and former boss Kyle Purcell.

Wow. What an energizing, exciting day. I have been in limbo for so long that I feel great about the possibility of traction on all three fronts, but especially the home front.