
I did three demanding things today. First, I applied for two jobs in London, one with PRI (Principles for Responsible Investment), one with ShareAction. One application required five short essays (no more than 250 words each) selling myself. The other a 300-word cover letter.

Second, I played 12 holes of golf. A reward for item one. It was a gorgeous day--I’ll post photos another day.

Third, I swam for the second time at the reservoir. The course seemed bigger this time--I think they moved one of the buoys. I kept my head under water more, did less breast stroke. But I was exhausted after one lap. My goal is two laps, but that will have to wait until next year and will require more pool training. I have to say I got a kick from seeing the setting sun when I came up for air, instead of ceiling tiles, flourescent light and painted concrete walls.

I forgot to mention that yesterday we had our neighbours Tom and Joanne over for dinner. They are fixing up the house they bought a year ago from Marshall. They’ve been living in Sussex, where Tom got a job and where they bought another house. They plan to rent the house next door for two years, then move here. We have our doubts they will ever move in, as they seem quite taken with Sussex. Anyway, they are hard at it, as we were when we bought this place. David made a camembert quiche, roast veg, and plum crumble to keep them going. My job was to set the table, which I think I did quite well.

I also arrange flowers and pour wine.

I can’t recall if I ever posted a photo of my three birthday paintings. They’re in the photo above, however you can’t see them very well.