You’ve Been Trumped

The British Parliament yesterday debated a motion to prohibit Trump from entering the U.K. This was after nearly 600,000 people signed a petition demanding same. MPs heaped scorn on him with relish.

I heard a journalist interviewed on the radio yesterday who made a documentary called You’ve Been Trumped. It’s the same story I covered many times in the U.S.: Developer promises thousands of jobs and millions in investments. Gullible (or corruptible) politicians green light the project and provide tax breaks. The project fails or is a mere shadow of the promised scale.

In this case, Trump bulldozed an environmentally significant stretch of Scottish coastline in 2007, cut down trees, moved a lot of earth around, endlessly harassed those who wouldn’t sell to him--cutting water off to an 80-year-old widow, for instance. The 6,000 promised jobs? Try 68. The millions in investments? One course built, not two, and it is losing millions every year. The widow? Still getting her water from a creek. The local residents fought hard to protect the wild dunes along their coast, however they were Trumped. Similar stories told about Trump in Ireland. I think people have a stronger connection to the land here than in the U.S. That is why hatred for him runs so deep.