
Half hour drive into Belfast. Onto the 8:30 a.m. bus to Dublin for two hours. Two hours of pre-flight waiting. Onto the Aer Lingus 8-hour flight to Washington Dulles. I had dinner in a Cosi restaurant where I chatted with a woman from Michigan who attended the women’s march. It was fun to see her beaming face as she recalled the high of being there. Then onto a flight to Columbus, where I sat next to another woman who had been at the march. She was also a happy camper. Then a shuttle to a hotel, where I enjoyed crashing after 17 hours of travel.

Entertainment on the flight included A Date for Mad Mary, an Irish version of Bridesmaids, and a documentary about the royal family and the dogs and horses they love and the deer and pheasant they kill. Strange people. Of course it’s the queen who loves the dogs and horses and her husband and grandsons who are keen to shoot things.