Triple play

Today was a good day for socialising. I met a friend from church for afternoon tea. She spent her working life in social services, mainly in administration, and now has a portfolio of volunteer projects. Then I went to the opening of a show at the Royal Society of Ulster Architects. No surprise that architects are talented artists and RSUA has an annual show of members’ art. I learned that the man who told me about the show, a member of All Souls, used to teach architecture at Queen’s. I met several of the architect/artists and really enjoyed their work.

Sticking with the All Souls theme, I attended book club tonight, where we discussed The Orphan Train. I had no idea that for some 70 years children who were orphaned or abandoned in NYC were put on a train to the midwest, where they became unpaid labour on farms, in tailor shops, and elsewhere. Some of them landed on their feet, but hard to know how many. The Christian Aid Society was not, apparently, particularly Christian or particularly good at aiding children.