Trip planning

I head for Pennsylvania on the 18th and for West Virginia (my mother's) on the 22nd. Before then, I need to finish one paper (it was to be two, but I've had to recalculate), do some Christmas shopping, and generally get my act together.
One of the frustrating things about being focused on Queen's is not focusing on the house. I'd like to find a few chandeliers at salvage places to put in a few of the rooms with bare bulbs. I figure when the electrician is there is the time to tackle that job. I need at least four, preferably sympathetic to the house's character. I also would like to find an old factory window to put between the kitchen and conservatory. I'm sure if I went through the salvage yards, I'd find all kinds of things to incorporate into our rehab projects.
David and I stripped wallpaper for a while today. It's hard to get anything done because people keep stopping over to invite us in for tea. I have developed a serious addiction to little mince pies, so all tools will be dropped if they are on offer.