
The steering committee, which met last night, agreed to record the 90-minute meeting. My hope was this could lead to bullet point/summary minutes instead of verbatim. However, the SC still wants verbatim minutes. Having the recording meant the minutes really were verbatim instead of the 80% or so that I capture without a recording. It took me more than 8 hours today to transcribe the tape  (another two hours on Sunday proofing, formatting, and writing the executive summary). I took two breaks to walk Paddy and a break to go swimming. Halfway through my swim, they cordoned off the bottom quarter of the pool, meaning I couldn't swim laps during the one hour set aside for lap swimming. I really dislike that pool.

Tonight Paddy ate a pair glasses that cost $260. Today wasn't my day. But sure you can't win them all.

There's been a lot going on with Brexit but that is just as depressing as spending all day typing up minutes and having your dog eat your glasses. The worst of it is watching Theresa May kow tow to the DUP, which can't manage to govern in its own country never mind have veto power over the governance of another country.

March 15