Trains, trams, buses, taxis

Today was pretty grueling. Loading two large suitcases and multiple bags in and out of:

The rental car, returned with no damage, good deal as I didn't take out supplemental insurance. The Killarney train station.

The train to Mallow. The train to Dublin Heuston. The tram to Dublin Connolly. The train to Belfast. The taxi home. Did I mention we did a lot of shopping, some of it breakable? Here's our haul in the hotel room.

Each train coach I got on, I ditched the bags near the entrance door, not in a luggage rack, to help mom get on the train and to her seat. I then had to drag the two heaviest bags to the other end of the coach, where the luggage rack was. On all three trains. I was very glad to get home, where task #1 was to walk my beautiful puppy, who'd been alone for maybe 7 hours--longest ever. Of course he was perfect. David left early today for the states and the dog walker had him out 11-12.

Props to me for getting all the logistics straight. Coordinating train schedules is never easy. Nor is printing tickets at train stations and tram stations. Just stupid things like how long to allow for turning the car in? How long to allow for the hotel shuttle to get to the train station? Which track is the train on? I generally needed help printing train tickets as the machines were anything but intuitive to me. I was very glad to rest my head on my own pillow.

August 24