Train Wreck

I had a meeting Monday night that was supposed to be about one thing (finalising the agenda for Thursday's steering committee) but ended up being about something else (budget matters). There are a lot of issues brewing; not looking forward to Thursday's meeting. I don't think I posted this photo before, from a shop on Commercial Street near my office.

Monday and Tuesday were a blur--payback really for taking Friday off. I sent out a 35-page packet to the steering committe and 30 staff in preparation for Thursday's call. All proud of myself because I can merge pdfs and create a footer with page numbers. Wednesday evening I went into town to hear a lecture with Jenny about Citizens Assemblies. They've worked well in the south (calling for a referendum on gay marriage and a constitutional amendment permitting abortion). Could they work here? It's worth trying--Stormont hasn't met in more than two years. And such nice real estate:

March 11-13