Tour Too

Today was wide open. A group of us retook the tour we took back on Monday because we wanted to take it when we were fresh. There's so much to see, like...

There are more than 1,200 fountains in Zurich. So you can get free clean cold clear water anywhere. Sorin from Romania on the left, Colm from Ireland and Majoub from Afghanistan on the right. The fourth guy isn't one of ours.

After the tour, I spent some time in Fraumunster, formerly a monastery for Benedictine nuns, thinking about my aunt. It has beautiful stained glass windows designed by Marc Chagall (no photos allowed). I mainly thought about how grateful I am to have known her and had her in my life from childhood.

I didn't sleep well last night and today was scorchingly hot. After the tour (90 minutes of walking plus maybe an hour round-trip walk to the meeting point), I was hot and miserable. I went to the hostel, changed, went to the library, which is slightly cooler than the hostel. I was too sleepy to read, so I gave up and went back to the hostel, where one of my team-mates and I worked on our committee report for Geneva.
I was frustrated that I am in a beautiful city with free time --for the first time--and there was really nothing I wanted to do other than find a cool place to take a nap. I'm also aware that there is a difference between 53 and 23 in terms of one's response to heat and lack of sleep. Yesterday's 15-kilmotre hike may also be a factor.