My hotel was near the Tower of London and, since I brought running gear, I had a great time exploring areas along the Thames. On Thursday morning I ran around London Docks, St. Katherine Docks, and the Tower of London. I was so impressed by what I saw that, on Friday morning, I went back and took photos of the highlights.

This is at Spirit Quay:

This is St. Katherine Docks. I want to make Katherine possessive, but it is written St. Katherine Docks everywhere. At the back of this marina is Commodity Quay. I wanted to sit out at a cafe there for breakfast but it opened at 8 a.m. and it was 7:30.

This is the Tower of London from one angle:

And another:

Juxtaposed with modern architecture:

Juxtaposed with modern architecture, part two. This building is known as the Walkie Talkie.

Friday was a light day for work. I had my annual review, which went well. We left at 2:40pm and went to the Swingers Club in Shoredictch, where we played mini golf. It was REALLY hard. Here my teammates are strategizing on how to get through a maze of obstacles. Ben, Lanny and Richard are on the web design team. Lanny is my hero--very patient with me as I try to learn how to use html.

After two hours of golf and drinking, we went to a French restaurant on Brick Lane for a three course meal, with wine, of course. Then on to a bar. It is hard to keep up with these young folk. I didn't stay terribly long at the bar and was probably in my room by 11 p.m. Fellow editors Jasmin and Rachael continued on to another bar with two colleagues, holding up the side for the editors.

March 25