To the Cliffs!

This morning we drove from Glenties to Killybegs, on the coast, then north to the cliffs at Slieve League, the highest cliffs in Europe. These were taken on the walk to the cliffs.

And here are said cliffs:

I have a similar photo to this taken in 1980. I should dig it out to confirm that my hair cut is the same as when I was 18.

Donegal is such a beautiful county. Highland bogs, rushing rivers, heather interspersed with scree, stone cottage ruins, stone walls. It is a gorgeous place to drive around. My photos don’t do it justice. This is the strand at Glencolumkille:

There was also a folk museum, which we didn’t go into:

This is a site called Glengesh:

And the bottom part of a waterfall called Assaranca:

From there we tried to go to a nearby beach, Maghera, that is meant to be lovely--more than a mile long. However we didn’t have any euro left and the car park cost 4 euro. There’s always next time.