
The week after mom left was mainly about catching up on work and planning my trip to Paris for PRI in Person, leaving 8 Sept. returning 14 Sept. The highlight of my pre-trip week was a Habitat for Humanity fundraiser at the Titanic Museaum. Above, the china on which dinner was served..

I had been looking forward to this for months--excited to wear a ballgown that I am enamoured of and have only worn once before. Come to find out it doesn't fit. Not even close, in David's words. So plan B, a stretchy, forgiving black number. Nothing special but it was good enough.

I was there with a big crew from my neighbourhood, some of who are going to Thailand next year on a Habitat trip. Here we are en masse:

Not that you can tell but we are posing in front of/on a replica of the staircase from the Titanic. At the very top, bent over with arms stretched, is Christine, one of the neigbourhood ringleaders. She is such good craic, and she loves to dance. So we are all up dancing, without any regard to who is dancing with whom. It was a good night.

Sept. 6