Time management

Since I took my job in July, my time mainly has been split between four activities:
cleaning house
watching TV
looking at Facebook

That’s a very bad mix for me. Missing:
Regular exercise
Reading books
Cooking proper food

In the past two weeks, I’ve gone to yoga once/week and swam twice/week. I haven’t cooked but I am reading a book and I have been to some MeetUps. I haven’t scheduled lunches with friends or called friends in the U.S. But I have had three sets of visitors in the past week.

Having had three colds in three months is partly why my life got off kilter. And sore feet that have kept me from running. And now I’m stripping/painting the hallway, which will prevent me from getting the healthy mix I’m aiming for until I’m done. But I am determined and I will break the inertia. The alternative is ageing much more rapidly than I intend to.