Tight in the bud

Early last spring, a clutch of forget me nots sprouted in my garden, a gift from Eddis. This year, I can see that the plants have naturalised and I will have a bumper crop of the little blue flowers when the time comes. I can't wait! They come in so early and they are so welcome after a colourless winter. I get excited thinking about what is coming in the garden--both returning friends and new arrivals--a peony tree, two new hydrangeas, and a bunch of other things I've forgotten. I have a list somewhere of what I've planted--must dig it out.

I also am excited when I wake up in the morning knowing that there is a puppy downstairs who will be very happy to see me. And I shouldn't ignore the always enigmatic Isabelle. At TenX9 one of the speakers discussed his love of cats. Of the mystery, the grace, the sereneness, the psychotic episodes. Isabelle is a fascinating furball and his appreciation of the species reminded me of that. When I am in my office, she is either between me and the keyboard or next to the keyboard on notes I need to sse, or she resigns herself to sleeping nearby.
