Tick tock

I leave in a week. I was hoping to have two more papers done before then. I'll be lucky to have one finished because so much research goes into each.

Tonight was David's company dinner party. Remember how he said yes to the dress? He changed his mind yesterday, coming round to my point of view that a long gown will be silly when his coworkers are in jeans and Christmas sweaters. I had no time to find something else so I wore a gray knit dress with a sweater over it. It was odd to wear heels for the first time in eight months.

It was an interesting dinner. A group of the guys gets on very well. Most of them were on one side of the table with their girlfriends (the table was a big U). The more malcontented, less social types were on the other side of the U. In between were us, the Greek and the Italian, who seem pretty go-along-get-along. One of the girlfriends had a sequins dress on but no one else was particularly dressed up, so I was quite happy in my boring but warm outfit.