This hike has it all

Today we hiked with a group of people up Slieve Gullion, which Wiki tells me "is the eroded remains of a Paleocene volcanic complex. It is surrounded by a ring dike known as the Ring of Gullion." At its summit is a burial chamber dating to 3,000 B.C. The hike was a 10-mile circuit which encompassed everything you want to see on a hike in Ireland. Such as:
A rocky trail:

The aforementioned burial chamber, which you can climb into and stand up in. There were five of us in there discussing whether animals were sacrificed on the bowl-shaped rock. Here is David exiting the chamber.

A highland bog. One of the hikers called this Shrek Bog.

A lake of peat-brown water.

Sheep. Check. Picturesque cottage. Check.

From this angle you can see more of the Ring of Gullion.

Checkered fields. Check.

Picturesque sixth century monastery. Check.


A lot of graveyards have wonderful views, which is, you know, kind of wasted on the residents.

Let's see, what's missing? Have we had a castle?
