Things that don’t work, part 2

Swimming at the leisure centre today, I noted several annoying things. Like there is no flag rope to tell you when you’re getting near the wall, which is a good way to crack your skull when you are doing back stroke. The lockers have no hooks in them, so you just stack your shoes, clothes, towel, toiletries. The lifeguards have on lace up shoes, which doesn’t inspire confidence that they are good to go when you need them.

However... so many wonderful things happen at the pool. For instance, I was taking a break from laps, listening to the Pogues' “Fairytale of New York” on the intercom, humming along, and the guy I was sharing the lane with stopped and started chatting with me. He told me about “Old Jack” in the next lane--85, takes the bus to Avoniel, swims for a half hour a few times a week, was a professional motorbike racer in his youth. He told me I have a nice stroke. I don’t actually, but I’m the fastest person in the pool, so that gets noticed.

Then I’m in the shower, buck naked, and this lady comes in and asks me if I want to dry my hair? There’s time left on her drier. I told her thanks but I don’t dry my hair. She tells me she didn’t in the past but her doctor tells her she needs to. I think today I’ve had longer conversations than during 10 years at the Y.

So I check out the driers, and they cost 20 pence--for how long, I don’t know. There are no outlets. I think about how the Y cost $110/month, with a Vanguard discount, and how Avoniel is $330 for the year. What if the Y put its showers on 15 second pulse timers--no one can leave the showers on, and having to push the button multiple times might cut down on lengthy showers. And what if you had to pay for your hair dryer. I bet the Y’s costs would come down in a hurry, never mind its carbon footprint.