Things are going swimmingly

I've started swimming in Belfast Lough with my friend Ann. The water temperature is in the mid 50s. I've been in six times so far--going twice a week. I'd say my tolerance of the cold has already increased.

We have tea afterwards, natch.

It's hard getting in but once I'm in, it's heaven. It just feels so good to swim. One day we had really high waves and I loved bobbing around like a cork. Other days it's really flat. Then I enjoy doing a bit of freestyle.

There are two buoys quite far out and the hard core swimmers swim back and forth between them. I haven't gotten up the courage to do that yet, but it could happen. I think I'm supposed to get a triathlon swim suit--that seems to be the norm. I'm just wearing a bathing suit and surfer t-shirt.

If I look like I'm in my happy place, that's because I am. I just feel like a new person when I get out. All credit goes to Ann for encouraging me. She's much bolder about diving in, while I mince about holding my arms up, getting in very slowly. We mostly do breast stroke and chat, which is great for taking your mind off the cold initially. And Ann is always good craic, lots to chat about.

The only tough bit is fitting it into my schedule. Two rounds of golf per week, two visits to Helen's Bay, two Paddy walks a day, plus a full time job, mean not much time for scraping wall paper off the ceiling.
