The weekend grind
I was saying I find my job makes me irritable. Part of it is I'm not really making the most of my weekends. The upstairs lounge project continues to consume my weekend energy--plus attempts to clean the house. It's really just that and walking Paddy. I need to do something fun!
This weekend my challenge looked like this.
Multiplied by two.
To remove each shelf, I had to saw my way through the shelf until I reached the hole around the largest pipe on the right. Then I had to cut at a 90 degree angle a few inches away from the remaining pipes. Then cut my way into each pipe. Then chip away the particle board until I could break a section away from each pipe, without cutting the plastic tubes. I say particle board but these are thick, heavy boards and are not giving up without a fight.
I should have seen this coming. I have re-injured my shoulder. I had to remove the exterior framing to get access to the shelves. Which means I held the shelf with my left hand (bad shoulder) while sawing with my good hand. I sawed on and off for two hours--and this was just the top shelf. The cumulative damage means I canceled golf Sunday evening and had a miserable few days. My friend Andrew called in Sunday and gave me a head start on the bottom shelf.
Once I finished removing the section of shelves wrapped around the pipes, I had a wardrobe-less room.
I went for a long walk with Marek on Sunday and had my golfing friend Chris over for dinner Sunday night, so I did have some quality time with other adults. But I have a long way to go to get the balance right. Finishing this bloody room would help.
April 17-18