The web we weave

Not long ago I started getting Yahoo Daily News stories selected "especially" for me. I never asked to receive this daily e-mail, just like I never asked for most of the stuff I get in my inbox and mailbox. Because my studies can be fairly tedious, I am easily distracted. So I might look at an article about Jennifer Lawrence, whom I like because she's funny and down-to-earth, and has great fashion sense. I clicked on an article about Emma Stone's look at the Oscar's--she too is funny, talented, and a fashion icon. They are also both beautiful, so I'm easily drawn in by a few pictures of them.

Then every time I go to the web, the (unwanted) frames around my (shrinking) screen are full of articles about Jennifer and Emma and eye makeup and shoes and dresses. All kinds of nonsense and gossip and beauty products--Get Emma's Look!! So I've learned not to click on articles about celebrities because:
A) I'm only encouraging the papparazzi who stalk celebrities (clicks=$) and
B) I don't want my screen taken over by images of them or articles about them because I'm not THAT interested, and
C) I don't want aggregators to build a profile of me to feed back to me. I don't want to be stalked either!
