The Lyric

Thursday night I bid successfully online for a painting in the Bangor auction. So I picked that up Friday then took Paddy to Crawfordsburn to give him a good run.

You never know what you're going to see in the woods, like a fat mouse and his nibbled cheese.

Unbelievable creativity. I got back in time to play golf with Valerie Friday afternoon. Friday night I saw an excellent play called Two Fingers Up, starring three teenage girls who have not received anything like an adequate sex education, due to the neanderthals running Northern Ireland.

Saturday entailed a lot of gardening, trying to get my Mount Stewart plants in the ground and some overgrown borders tidied. I met Marek at The Lyric for a 2:30 matinee--two plays in two days. This one was a musical called Propaganda that took place in East Berlin in the late 40s. It was essentially about the danger women face in conflict and post-conflict zones.

Sunday was more gardening then golf in a greensome, in which pairs both tee off then play the better ball. Jonny and I played against Maria and Ross. I didn't play that well, aside from my tee shots. Our score was respectable but not in the winner's circle. This is a monthly competition so we will hope for better performances next time.

14-16 Oct.