The Journey

On the way to Wexford today, we stopped three times. Once for a very good brunch at a restaurant near Dublin Airport; second at Brittas Bay, about half way between Dublin and Wexford; third in Gorey, further down the coast.
On the way to the beach at Brittas Bay, I saw the following PSA.

I took loads of pictures on the beach as David and I talked about composition and light and other artsy things.

We had some dramatic skies, which always make beaches more interesting.

I decided that, rather than taking a shot from beach level like this:

It’s better to climb up into the dunes and get something in the foreground:

Better still if I learned to use David’s fancy (heavy) camera instead of my point and shoot.
In Gorey, after the truck fest mentioned yesterday, David took a photo of me in front of a pub. I was born a McGovern, daughter of Joseph Bernard McGovern, who died when I was three. He had issues with the bottle, and so a bit of irony in this photo.

Then on to Wexford, a charming little town with an ancient wall. I like the ghost windows:

And the tower:

Here’s another tower:

When I lived in Philly, I danced at the Commodore Barry Ballroom, which is how I knew that an Irishman named John Barry led the inchoate US Navy during the Revolutionary War. Turns out Barry was from Wexford.

We wondered around Wexford for a while then attended a 9pm reception for David’s fellow artists. There are 200 people registered for this event! It must be great to have a talent that you can travel around the world and deploy at will. I, meanwhile, stick to the point & shoot approach to capturing what I see. I liked this pub because it has half barrels stuck on its exterior.

A proper photographer would figure a better way to capture the barrels, but, as in so many things, I’m a rank amateur.