The Importance of Being Oscar

Today I went to a warehouse and collected a car full of food to take to NICRAS, the refugee agency. My friends who usually do it are out of town for two weeks. Then I went to the Duke of York for a pint to kill time before I went to an Out to Lunch event about Oscar Wilde (title of which is above). It was weird being in the DoY when it isn’t packed. Here’s what it usually looks like (internet photo):

I read a book quite contentedly then went to the Oscar Wilde event, which was disappointing. The narrator, who assumed Wilde’s persona, read the Ballad of Reading Gaol and de Profundis, his letter to Lord Alfred Douglas. I slept through part of the event. I assumed anything based on Wilde’s life would be lively and entertaining, but not so much, although I did enjoy those two readings. The bits in between were not as good.