The Favourite

I began seeing ads for this film on Facebook back in October. I Could Not Wait to see it. Olivia Coleman, Rachel Weisz, and Emma Stone. I think the problem with such a long period of anticipation is, how does anything live up to your expectations?

Despite being busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger, I cycled 25 minutes each way to Queen's to see it and take advantage of a 1 pound ticket offered by Ann, who has a gold card membership at Queen's. I think my guilt at leaving behind my deadlines gnawed at me as I watched the two hour film.

I did enjoy it though. The script sparkles and makes good use of the mother lode of talent at the director's disposal. It is wonderful to see such meaty roles served up to three brilliant actresses. The sets and costumes were eye candy. It was funny, perverse, and malevolent. Which is an odd mixture. The main characters have few redeeming features. It is basically a contest between the two favourites to be the alpha dog in manipulating the poor queen. One woman's goal is relentless war with France, the other woman's goal is self-preservation. Queen Anne lost all 17 of her pregnancies and was apparently so emotionally and physically miserable that she was easily manipulated by anyone who showed her kindness. Even were she not so weakened, leaders become isolated (and paranoid) and therefore vulnerable to the agendas of those closest to them. It's interesting how powerful people can become helpless--and capricious in asserting their power.

Jan. 10