The eyes have it

Assuming it’s OK to be grumpy on a Monday--safe assumption? I’m going to whine about eye makeup.

I’ve noticed that eye makeup has become very complicated since the blue powder of my youth.

I’m not sure how this is done but my guess is it’s very expensive in terms of time and money.

When I lived in the states, I went into a store called Ulta looking for a gift. I couldn’t get over it. It was like a department store but instead of having shoes, clothes, and perfume, it had lots of different makeup brands. A huge store (a former Marshall’s) sectioned into areas for let’s say a dozen or so brands of makeup. Because I’m keen on living simply so that others may simply live, I think this (and crazily painted fingernails, and Botox, and dyed hair, and expensive cups of coffee and 1,000 other things) somehow evidences our inexorable march toward extinction.

In case you think this look doesn’t exist in the real world, I offer the Belfast Telegraph’s photo of nightlife, picturing the young women who are keeping makeup companies going.

The Brexit vote opened up a chasm between young and old, with the young saying the old have ruined their future and the old saying the young would have more of a future if they didn’t waste their money on iPhones and eye makeup. As I so often do, I straddle this debate. I think each generation is more materialistic than the last (pray for our planet) and I think the pensioners shouldn’t have denied the young people the opportunities available as part of Europe.

I feel like the world is now holding its breath to see whether the mood of Americans is sufficiently dark to vote in Trump. If America’s young women are more interested in looking like Trump’s wife or daughter, we’re in trouble. This is from my Facebook page. It’s an ad for a woman who does makeup, but I see this look all the time when I’m out and about.
