The Challenging Cup

Saturday was the match against Rockmount--the Challenge Cup. I didn't play well on Friday so went to a driving range Saturday morning. Then the match at 4 pm. We had three matches at Shandon and two at Rockmount. I was off first this year b/c I had the lowest handicap of our five. Last year I was out last.

My opponent was a former hockey player with a very consistent game. She didn't hit as far as me but was more often on the fairway. She was up three holes by the 9th hole then my luck started to turn and I won three holes. We were even heading into 16. She won 16 and 17 and that was it--with only one hole left I couldn't win. She was the better player but I'm disappointed our team couldn't advance--two other players lost matches so Rockmount won.

Sunday I was absolutely shattered. I was a ball of nerves on Friday and Saturday and it took its toll. I spent some time pottering in the garden.

When I bought the property it had a large camelia, two large junipers, three tall pillar cherry trees, an apple tree, a large lilac bush and a large pepper pot bush. The garden was too small for all of this so I removed all but one of the junipers. Garden 1.0 was to install a U-shaped border. Garden 2.0, now underway, is to create an hourglass shape and to train vines over an arch. The goal is to create a 'secret garden' at the back with the lovely bench.

In photo above is the scented orange Klondyke azalea from Limavady. Next to the bench is the pontica azalea, barely visible. Paddy runs around this garden like a race track, and his urine isn't particularly good for the grass. So there's a fair amount of attrition, but I battle on.

May 13-14