The Bangor boys

After yesterday's drinking and dancing, I needed fresh air, so I walked Maysie today. It was so nice to see Joe, who has Parkinson's disease and seems quite frail, but is out walking in all weather. And the Bangor boys--George and Alan. George is originally from Canada, moved here with Shorts (a Belfast-based aircraft manufacturer), and retired here. He told me that he and his wife have left their bodies to Queen's University for resarch. He said it is unlikely their bodies will remain at Queen's because the odds are too high that the researcher who operates on their corpses might know them. It is a small town, after all. Imagine the shock of seeing someone you know stone cold in a research lab!

George also told me that in Canada, the cold air is so dry that it's dangerous to kiss your wife when you leave for the day. A blue bolt might pass between you. "Now that's passion!" he said. George and Alan were walking with Lady Beveridge, whose husband Sir George was a long-time chancellor at Queen's. You never know whom you will meet or what you will learn as you walk along the coast.

Maysie and I finished our social outing with Jimmy and his springer, Harvey, and John and Ann and their border collie, Dollie. Everyone had treats for Maysie and inquired after my holidays and progress on the house. It was a lovely way to begin a day of editing footnotes.