That’s the spirit

Last night I went to hear the Belfast Community Gospel Choir at the Waterfront Arena. Me and 2,100 other fans. It was a fantastic night. Because:
The 100+ choir had a big bold sound
The conductor was a riot--great at mixing it up with the crowd.
There were Marks and Spencer hampers awarded to people in three different tiers of seats after very silly drawings.
A man got on stage and proposed to a woman in the choir after a very romantic speech. My. Heart. Melted.
A couple celebrating their 50th anniversary was applauded.
The atmosphere was festive and full of good cheer.
Foy Vance played a song backed by the choir.

To get a sense of how good the choir is, check out this video of a performance it did at the city airport. The occasion was a woman returning from America to see sisters she hadn’t seen in many years. She had won a ticket in a contest put on by the airport. You’d think the family reunion would be emotional enough without a flash mob, but they go big at George Best Airport.

Bottom line, last night was a really fun night that put me in the Christmas mood big time.