Thanksgiving 2023

This month, this year – they are fairly flying by. Let's see, highlight of the weekend of 18-19 November was taking the bus to Derry to go to an artisan market, visit with my friend Julie and visit Mary. A festive day.

Monday the 20th I finished editing a 46-page monster of a paper on stewardship in private equity markets. I cut it down to 35 pages – we'll see how that goes over. Tuesday I celebrated by playing golf. Thursday I put a dinner on. This is the table pre-meal.

And post-meal.

My guests were Tiernan and Olivia from next door, my golfing buddy Ali, and Ben, the Queen's student from Uganda whose grandmother I knew in Pennsylvania. I knew that Ali refereed swim meets but I didn't realise she was also part of the rowing scene. Tiernan and Olivia row, so they talked most of the night about people they knew in common and various aspects of boat races. A bit boring for poor Ben. My friend Eddis, who has traveled in Africa quite a bit, wasn't able to make it, unfortunately. As I drove Ben back to his dorm, he said he is usually quiet and quite enjoys listening to others. Below, the aftermath.

Friday I got my 10th of 15 cards in as part of the winter league golfing competition. Saturday's highlight was a swing dance, where I connected with a lot of old friends. Today, Sunday, the highlight was a play written by Nuala McKeever about three women taking a creative writing class and slowly revealing the struggles in each of their lives. It was very moving, and funny.

26 November